昨天中午值日生 Llego' el verano. Hace mucho calor. 下午頂著大太陽騎著小車車到板橋幫公司做事 回公司後又有新的急件要處理#-O 最令人狐疑的是晚上第二堂上課 聞到一股怪味道 之後全身發軟 頭很暈 手握不住筆 還掉了兩次:-/ 該不會是"煞"到了吧:-"
Hola! Tanto tiempo! To'mas! To'mas will come to Taiwan pretty soon. Happy He and Francine are my favorite flamenco teachers! Me mucha gustan bailar flamenco I'll join his class this time. Bailarmos otro dia! Beatrice needs to take exercise to lose weight and make nice body shape.