Someone used to called me "a tree" before. Coz I don't move, say nothing, and often do nothing. The one thing I do the best is just stand here. I can be here with you when you want to take a rest, but I can't go with you when you're ready to move on. Though, I thought I've changed after all these years. And they now thought me a playgirl. Mybe they are right, to a certain degree. There are those man who come in and out of my life. Intentionally or not, I allow them to, or even seduce them to. But, that's all I can do. When you leave, I still stand here and watch you go. Jealousy much like fire burns a hole in me, darken my soul, but you won't hear the scream. And there shall be no tears. I guess I'm still a tree after all. Or ~butterfly. 孤寂是有抗藥性的, 不管你用的是高級麻醉劑或便宜的酒精, 下場就是像滾雪球一樣, 用藥量要越來越多才有效, 直到你的身體和神經系統崩潰為止。 其實,人們心中的孤寂感,是頭腦的產物, 是意識平台裡的一個頑強的古老程式, 它不是完全對人有害, 但是當人的大腦太發達,太過敏感, 也就是想太多,加上人際疏離, 這個程式就會失控地成為「孤寂殺手」病毒程式, 每天失控地折磨你, 讓你生不如死。
喔 嗯 ^^"
不過就是日記 心情罷了^^
請 看 中 文 雙語耶 ㄎㄎ...
分開看 很簡單
^^" ??
O.O ?