~凡走過必留下痕跡~ 用於所有的事情皆然 古人的智慧 "心"是最重要的,對於所有人我都以"誠心相待,誠意交陪"的心態相處 As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. Never tell a lie to me.B-) %%-%%-%%- My favorite teacher, Francine, will come to Taiwan next month and hold a workshop. She will open Tangos and Bulerias. Then She will have a performance in another country. %%-%%-%%- 發生慘案 我的mp3不知何故突然所有的音檔全部不見了:((:((:(( 老師上課的錄音全沒了 欲哭無淚 這樣我怎麼練惜腳步ㄚ