去年裡一直聽到這首 Foster the People 的 "Pumped Up Kicks" 曲子,心想這曲調還蠻有復古曲風的,又有電音的節奏旋律,也愛電音調性的我,興起了孤狗 Foster the People 的念頭,在孤狗Foster the People的同時他們也已經大紅了,也在過年期間大飽了我的耳福。
以下有關 Foster the People 參考網路撰文
Foster the People 在2010年初將創作單曲 "Pumped Up Kicks" 上傳至網路因而走紅,引來了Columbia Records 的注意,發掘了這支年輕的新樂隊,2011年初發行首張同名EP,先前在網路上火紅了一陣的 "Pumped Up Kicks" 更是橫掃了 Billboard 各類排行榜,在加拿大也取得了相當不錯的成績。
被旗下擁有眾多知名歌手樂隊的唱片大廠 Columbia Records 給相中,身為新人的 Foster the People倒是一點也不擔心前輩們閃亮的光環,依然堅持自我原則玩出了一張非常出色「Torches」;"Torches feels like it could have been MGMT's breakout album",國外已有不少樂評們將Foster the People和MGMT的名字扯在一塊,甚至斷言他們就是下一個MGMT。
一派輕閒的鼓點,極易上耳的電拍旋律,隨和的老式復古色調,迷幻流行的矇矓感又和活力十足的舞動節拍取得了平衡點,巧妙地融合了不同的音樂型態,儘管是完全以電子合成器所主導的音頻,聽起來卻不同於時下一般制式的電子音樂,非常有Foster the People獨創的個別風格。
由出彩電氣環繞的"Helena Beat"、"Pumped Up Kicks"、"Call It What You Want"、"Hustling (Life on the Nickel)"心跳般的鼓擊最惹人喜歡,頗有意味的歌詞和恣意放縱的節拍交迭,別出心裁地就是要抓住聽者的雙耳;有些抑鬱味道的"Waste",由清亮的琴聲陪伴到最後;"Houdini"豐富旺盛的音調還有不斷膨脹的鍵琴活躍其中;"Warrant"華麗的開場前奏標點出對樂音所帶來的延伸想像力。
聆聽Foster the People的音樂會讓人不自覺地打著拍子,隨著音節的歇落起伏而搖頭晃腦,曲式結構與編配不但流暢而且感染力驚人,初聽「Torches」時完全被那滿溢著歡樂的氣息所俘虜,多聽聽這樣有炫染力的曲調吧會讓你的心情大好的。
Foster the People-Pumped Up Kicks 擁抱人群合唱團-氣墊鞋 2011
"pumped up kicks" 指90年代Nike所出品的「氣墊(運動球)鞋」當時愛耍酷的孩子們,都會一窩蜂地想要買來穿,而通常也是家境較富裕的孩子才穿的起。歌詞裏,要這樣富裕的孩子們 (因主角家境很窮,看他們不順眼)趕快跑, 免得被槍打到。
Robert’s got a quick hand.
He’ll look around the room, he won’t tell you his plan.
He’s got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he’s a cowboy kid.
Yeah he found a six shooter gun.
In his dads closet hidden in a box of fun things, and I don’t even know what.
But he’s coming for you, yeah he’s coming for you.
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun…”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun…”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.”
Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, yeah he’s coming home late.
And he’s bringing me a surprise.
‘Cause dinner’s in the kitchen and it’s packed in ice.
I’ve waited for a long time.
Yeah the slight of hand is now a quick pull trigger,
I reason with my cigarette,
And say your hair’s on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah.
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun…”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun…”
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks,
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet.”