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 wayne 的日記本
2008/02/19的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/02/25的日記
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篇名: 2008/02/21的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2008.02.21  天氣:  心情:

黃昏時到公園健行, 21度, 早春氣溫, 走著走著, 迎面來了位非裔女士, 擦身而過時竟說, "不理你", 嚇我一跳

老黑, 國語, 還不理我, 是黑色幽默嗎?

不過我馬上會意, 忙說 "Oh hi there."

唉呀, 她是說<Evening>


Nobody likes rejection. But you better get used to it if you trade stocks or futures.

When your trade doesn't show a profit, market is essentially rejecting you. You get rejected by market all the time.

In that case just get out or even reverse direction. Market has no prejudice against anybody and pride has no place in trading.

Your stubbornness will only turn a rejection from a gentle nudge to a harsh blow, to your wallet.

Market is almost always right. Take its rejection. Go along with it.

oldie from 60s:

A sunny day with hopes up 2 the sky
A kiss & no goodbye
That's all I want from u
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