想要感到富有,就去數算自己所擁有、用金錢買不到的東西吧。 To feel rich, count the things that you have that money can t buy. ...《看全文》
你越為他人著想,他人就會越為你著想。 The more you think of others, the more thoughtful of you they will be in return. ...《看全文》
我們若不經失敗,就永不會珍惜成功。 If we never experienced failure, we would never appreciate success. ...《看全文》
草率的決定就像開車太快:你或許能搶紅燈,但你可能到不了目的地。 Making hasty decisions is like driving too fast: You might beat the stoplight, but you might no ...《看全文》
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to ...《看全文》
對某些人來說,障礙是放棄的藉口。 對另一些人來說,障礙則是通過逆境而變得更堅強、和向目標更邁進一步的機會。 To same, an obstacle is on excuse to quit. To others it is an opportun ...《看全文》