From life without limbs to life without LIMITS !
沒有四肢 變成 沒有限制!
***************************************************************************************************************************************** My name is Nick Vujicic and I give God the Glory for how He has used my testimony to touch thousands of hearts around the world! I was born without limbs and doctors have no medical explanation for this birth "defect". As you can imagine, I was faced with many challenges and obstacles. "Consider it pure joy, my Brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." ....To count our hurt, pain and struggle as nothing but pure joy? As my parents were Christians, and my Dad even a Pastor of our church, they knew that verse very well. However, on the morning of the 4th of December 1982 in Melbourne (Australia), the last two words on the minds of my parents was "Praise God!". Their firstborn son had been born without limbs! There were no warnings or time to prepare themselves for it. The doctors we shocked and had no answers at all! There is still no medical reason why this had happened and Nick now has a Brother and Sister who were born just like any other baby. The whole church mourned over my birth and my parents were absolutely devastated. Everyone asked, "if God is a God of Love, then why would God let something this bad happen to not just anyone, but dedicated Christians?" My Dad thought I wouldn't survive for very long, but tests proved that I was a healthy baby boy just with a few limbs missing.
我的名字叫 Nick,我要歸榮耀給上帝,因祂使用我的見證觸動了世界上千萬顆心。我生來沒手沒腳,醫生對此與生俱來的"瑕疵",沒給任何的醫學解釋!你可以想像---我面對了許多的挑戰和障礙。 "我的弟兄們,你們落在百般試煉中,都要以為大喜樂!" (雅各書1:2) ....將所有的傷痛與掙扎都視若無睹,而單單的喜樂嗎?我的父母都是基督徒,甚至我父親是一位牧師,他們深知這段聖經的經文。然而,在1982年12月4日澳洲墨爾本的一個早晨,從我父母親心底流出的最後字眼竟是"讚美上帝",他們的長子"沒手沒腳"地誕生在這個家庭!他們沒有任何預警也沒有時間來應對,醫生們除了震驚外,也沒有給任何解釋,直到如今仍舊沒有任何醫學解釋,而現在Nick已有一對如同一般正常孩子的弟弟和妹妹。當時全教會為我的出生和我父母的遭遇而傷痛的景況可以舉世震驚來形容,每個人都在問:「假如上帝真是一位愛人的神,為何這樣遭糕的事情發生在任何人就算了,而竟然讓它發生在一個爲神擺上的基督徒家庭之中」?我父親起初以為我可能活不了多久,但經過檢查發現---我是個健康的男嬰,只是有些肢體不見了!
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Understandably, my parents had strong concern and evident fears of what kind of life I'd be able to lead. God provided them strength, wisdom and courage through those early years and soon after that I was old enough to go to school.
The law in Australia didn't allow me to be integrated into a main-stream school because of my physical disability. God did miracles and gave my Mom the strength to fight for the law to be changed. I was one of the first disabled students to be integrated into a main-stream school.
I liked going to school, and just try to live life like everyone else, but it was in my early years of school where I encountered uncomfortable times of feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of my physical difference. It was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of my parents, I started to develop attitudes and values which helped me overcome these challenging times. I knew that I was different but on the inside I was just like everyone else. There were many times when I felt so low that I wouldn't go to school just so I didn't have to face all the negative attention. I was encouraged by my parents to ignore them and to try start making friends by just talking with some kids. Soon the students realized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept on blessing me with new friends.
There were times when I felt depressed and angry because I couldn't change the way I was, or blame anyone for that matter. I went to Sunday School and learnt that God loves us all and that He cares for you. I understood that love to a point as a child, but I didn't understand that if God loved me why did He make me like this? Is it because I did something wrong? I thought I must have because out of all the kids at school, I'm the only weird one. I felt like I was a burden to those around me and the sooner I go, the better it'd be for everyone. I wanted to end my pain and end my life at a young age, but I am thankful once again, for my parents and family who were always there to comfort me and give me strength.
Due to my emotional struggles I had experienced with bullying, self esteem and loneliness, God has implanted a passion of sharing my story and experiences to help others cope with whatever challenge they have in their life and let God turn it into a blessing. To encourage and inspire others to live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way of accomplishing their hopes and dreams.
One of the first lessons that I have learnt was not to take things for granted.
"And we know that in all things God works for the best for those who love Him."
That verse spoke to my heart and convicted me to the point where that I know that there is no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence that these "bad" things happen in our life.
I had complete peace knowing that God won't let anything happen to us in our life unless He has a good purpose for it all. I completely gave my life to Christ at the age of fifteen after reading John 9. Jesus said that the reason the man was born blind was "so that the works of God may be revealed through him." I truly believed that God would heal me so I could be a great testimony of His Awesome Power. Later on I was given the wisdom to understand that if we pray for something, if it's God's will, it'll happen in His time. If it's not God's will for it to happen, then I know that He has something better.
I now see that Glory revealed as He is using me just the way I am and in ways others can't be used.
I am now twenty- three years old and have completed a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. I am also a motivational speaker and love to go out and share my story and testimony wherever opportunities become available. I have developed talks to relate to and encourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers. I am also a speaker in the corporate sector.
I have a passion for reaching out to youth and keep myself available for whatever God wants me to do, and wherever He leads, I follow.
I have many dreams and goals that I have set to achieve in my life. I want to become the best witness I can be of God's Love and Hope, to become an international inspirational speaker and be used as a vessel in both Christian and non-Christian venues. I want to become financially independent by the age of 25, through real estate investments, to modify a car for me to drive and to be interviewed and share my story on the "Oprah Winfrey Show"! Writing several best-selling books has been one of my dreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. It will be called "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!"
我熱衷於接觸年輕族群,讓神來差遣我去做祂要我做的事,無論祂去哪裡,我都跟隨! 在我生命中,我許下了很多夢想和目標要去完成,我要成為上帝大愛與盼望的最佳見證人,我要成為一個鼓舞人心的國際演說家,在基督徒與非基督徒場合中都被神使用的器皿。在25歲以前,我要經由房地產的投資而成為財務獨立,我要為自己修改一部方便駕駛的汽車,我要上Oprah Winfrey脫口秀節目分享我的故事。寫幾本最暢銷的書也是我的夢想之一,我希望第一本書可以在今年底之前完成。書名將取為 "沒手、沒腳、沒煩惱!"
I believe that if you have the desire and passion to do something, and if it's God's will, you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits on ourselves for no reason at all! What's worse is putting limits on God who can do all things. We put God in a "box". The awesome thing about the Power of God, is that if we want to do something for God, instead of focusing on our capability, concentrate on our availability for we know that it is God through us and we can't do anything without Him. Once we make ourselves available for God's work, guess whose capabilities we rely on? God's!
May the Lord Bless you
In Christ,
Nick Vujicic
主內 Nick Vujicic
本篇中文翻譯 (Chinese translation by) Samuel & Dora, Taiwan 2006.05.30 |